
Remodeling On Palm Beach

This project involved a Luxury Residential Estate on Palm Beach Island. Our company had specific guidelines about construction time schedules, and only has a window of approximately 3 months out of the year to complete any restoration or construction job, so it required it to be delegated into phases.

Our task was to replace all of the windows in the home with upgraded storm windows, and to repair the fascia and casing surrounding. In order to reduce the inherent dust and debris so as not to disturb the contents of the home and not have to remove the personal effects and artwork, we put a barrier plan into effect that is used in hospitals when similar work is performed. C.R. Wilsons lead foreman which has years of experience specifically in this field, managed the construction of temporary barrier walls with plastic vapor overlays that were taped at all cross seams, holes and corners. The floors were also covered with a protective padded barrier and even the ceiling, light sockets and electrical outlets had protective shielding installed.

When finished, the construction work could begin with the assurance that when we were finished, we could remove all of the protection and the house would be back to normal with no clean up to be done or concern of residual debris.